Ruprecht Karls Universität Heidelberg

Teilchentee SS 13

Seminar at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, Heidelberg University
on Thursdays, 4 p.m. in Room 106 Philosophenweg 12
organizers: Arthur Hebecker and Joerg Jaeckel

18.4.2013 (15:15)
105 Philweg 12
Margarete Muehlleitner (Karlsruhe University) Higgs Physics at the LHC
(Note: Unusual time and place: 15:15 in room 105 of Philosophenweg 12)
18.4.2013 (17:15)
INF 288 HS1
Marcos Marino (Geneva) Quantum theory and enumerative problems
(Note: Common Colloquium with Math department. 17:15 in INF 288 HS1)
25.4.2013 Leonie Canet (LPMMC Grenoble) Critical properties of a growing interface described by the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation
2.5.2013 Pedro G Ferreira (University of Oxford) Testing Gravity with Cosmology: a new Golden Age?
9.5.2013 public holiday no seminar
16.5.2013 (15:15)
105 Philweg 12
Sergei Gukov (California Institute of Technology) Kondo problem in particle physics
(Note: Unusual place and time: 15:15 room 105 of Philosophenweg 12)
23.5.2013 Pavel Fileviez Perez (MPIK Heidelberg) The Great Desert and New Physics at the LHC
(Joint seminar with MPI)
30.5.2013 public holiday no seminar
3.6.2013 (16:15)
MPIK, central seminar room, library building
Valeria Pettorino (Geneva University) Cosmological implications in view of first Planck data
(Note: Monday seminar with MPI. Unusal date and place. Central seminar room, library building, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik)
13.6.2013 Szabolcs Borsanyi (Uni Wuppertal) Heavy ion phenomenology from the lattice
20.6.2013 Larus Thorlacius (NORDITA) Pure states and black hole complementarity
27.6.2013 (15:15)
105 Philweg 12
Erich Poppitz (University of Toronto) Continuity, deconfinement, and super-Yang-Mills theory
27.6.2013 (17:15)
INF 288 HS2
Jens Marklof (University of Bristol) From the Lorentz gas to random graphs: new applications of measure rigidity in statistical physics, number theory and combinatorics
(Note: Common Colloquium with Math department. 17:15 in INF 288 HS2)
4.7.2013 Manuel Drees (Uni Bonn) Determining Supersymmetry Parameters from Counting Observables at the LHC
11.7.2013 Michael Scherer (ITP Heidelberg) Interaction-driven ground states of graphene systems
18.7.2013 Reinhard Alkofer (Graz) On Baryon Properties in the Poincare-covariant Faddeev Approach
25.7.2013 Andreas Ringwald (DESY) The Quest for Axions and ALPs
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