In order to register for an account at our cluster hosted at the RZ you need to follow a three step plan.
go to the site: Here you select Universität Heidelberg
The Acronym and Password can be obtained from Maurits Haverkort. The institute is ITP
Register for access to the HPC cluster at the university of Heidelberg:
use as a project description and title: Calculations in collaboration with Haverkort
Add the service BWFor cluster MSL/WISO Production to your available services
ssh -Y hd_*****
(replace * with your uni id)
sshfs hd_********** /Users/*****/bwfor -o volname=BWFOR
(replace * with your uni id and local path where you want to mount the external folder)
Save the following code in a text file and make it executable (chmod +x filename). You submit the script with the command msub filename
#!/bin/bash #MSUB -l nodes=1:best:ppn=32 #MOAB -A bw17e011 #MSUB -l walltime=5:00:00:00 #MSUB -N myjobname #MSUB -V export KMP_AFFINITY=compact,1,0 cd $MOAB_SUBMITDIR cat $0 export OMP_NUM_THREADS=32 echo "-----------------" date echo "-----------------" echo "-----------------" echo "lscpu" lscpu echo "-----------------" Quanty G00_1hole.Quanty echo "finished" echo "-----------------" date echo "-----------------"
Your main directory is not that large. In order to run calculations one should create a workspace. See: