Ruprecht Karls Universität Heidelberg

Christian Korn

Christian Korn

Research Interests

  • Rolling adhesion
  • Cargo transport by molecular motors
  • Stochastic Processes
  • Stokesian Dynamics
  • Yang-Mills Theory

Short Vita

Since April 2007
Postdoc in the BIOMS-Group Schwarz at Bioquant, University of Heidelberg
April 2007
PhD in theoretical physics, University of Potsdam
PhD candidate, Max-Planck-Institute of Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam
Jan. 2004
Diploma in physics, University of Tübingen
Studies of physics, University of Tübingen and University of Massachusetts, Amherst


At Heidelberg University
  • Winter term 2007/08, lectures on "Evolutionary dynamics" in the course "Non-linear dynamics with applications to biological systems" given by Ulrich Schwarz
  • Summer term 2008, course on "Stochastic processes with applications to biological systems" together with Ulrich Schwarz

Publications, Conference Contributions, Theses


  1. C. B. Korn and U. S. Schwarz, Mean encounter times for cell adhesion in hydrodynamic flow: analytical progress by dimensional reduction Europhysics Letters accepted (2008)
  2. C. B. Korn and U. S. Schwarz, Dynamic states of cells adhering in shear flow: From slipping to rolling. Phys. Rev. E. 77, 041904 (2008)
  3. C. B. Korn and U. S. Schwarz, Mean first passage times for bond formation for a Brownian particle in linear shear flow above a wall. J. Chem. Phys. 126, 095103 (2007)
  4. C. Korn and U. S. Schwarz, Efficiency of Initiating Cell Adhesion in Hydrodynamic Flow. Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 138103 (2006)
  5. C. Korn, H. Reinhardt, T. Tok, Free energy of thick center vortices. e-Print: hep-th/0412236 (2004)
Publikations 2,3,4 have been also selected for publication in the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research.

Conference Contributions, Talks

  • Talk: "Role of receptor patch geometry for cell adhesion in hydrodynamic flow" at APS march meeting, New Orleans, USA (March 2008)
  • Talk: "Dynamic states of rolling adhesion: dependence on rates for formation and rupture of molecular bonds" at DPG meeting, Berlin (February 2008)
  • Invited Talk (Vestweber group) at MPI Muenster: "Stochastic dynamics simulations of rolling adhesion" (July 2007)
  • Talk at "Minerva School on Biological and Bioinspired Materials", Berlin (May 2007)
  • Talk: "Efficiency of Initiating Cell Adhesion in Hydrodynamic Flow" at DPG meeting, Regensburg (March 2007)
  • Poster at VW-Workshop, Heidelberg (March 2007)
  • Invited Talk (Spatz group) "Efficiency of Initiating Cell Adhesion in Shear Flow", Weingarten retreat 2007
  • Poster: "Probability for specific bond formation for a Brownian particle in linear shear flow above a wall" at DPG meeting, Dresden (March 2006)
  • Seminar Talk (Safran group): "Simulating a Brownian particle in shear flow above a wall" at Weizmann Institut, Israel (November 2007)
  • Poster at WEH-Seminar 347, Bad Honnef (May 2005)
  • Poster: "A combined Langevin and adhesive dynamics approach to rolling adhesion of leukocytes" at DPG meeting, Berlin (March 2005)



Center for Modelling and Simulation in the Biosciences (BIOMS)
Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg
BIOQUANT, Im Neuenheimer Feld 267
69120 Heidelberg, Germany
email: Christian.Korn at
phone: +49-(0)6221-54-51252
fax: +49-(0)6221-54-51482
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